we (are) Communist

we (are) Communist
....i think so...


CPI (M) candidates

Communist Party of India (Marxist) contested 12 seats of Madhya Pradesh State Assembly elections to be held on November 27. The seating MLA Ramlakhan Sharma contest in Simria constituency.
Ramlakhan Sharma (Simria)
Murarilal Dhakad (Sabalgarh)
Ashok Thivari (Jawra)
Premnaraya Mahore (Gohad)
Ramvilas Goswami (Gwalior)
Ramkalesh Saketh (Rampur Bagelan)
Sunil Sharma (Sirmour)
Ramlal Gupta (Simgrowli)
Buddesan Singh (Jaysingh Nager)
Amarpal Singh (Pusprajgarh)Jaganath Singh Patel (Pathan)
Aru Chawhan (Ambedkar Nager)


Che Guevara was a brilliant and extra ordinary man in the last century. October 9 is his memorable day. He was selected Heroes in the century conducted by TIME Magazine in 1999.


SFI Conference

The Student’s Federation of India is going to organize its 13th All India Conference in West Bengal from 27th September to 30th September 2008. The conference will be organized at Comrade Ajay-Debabrata Manch (EZCC Auditorium) and Martyr Khudiram Bose Nagar (Salt Lake, North 24 Parganas). The central slogan of the Conference is “Equitable access to Quality Education”. Seven hundred fifty elected delegates and observers representing the membership of more than forty-three lakhs will take part in this Conference.

The open rally will be organized on 27th September in which more than one lakh students will participate. An extensive and intensive campaign is planned throughout the country. As a part of the campaign, a letter on behalf of the General Secretary and the President will reach all the members of the organisation urging them to actively participate in the tremendous campaign for the conference. The organisation will observe Flag Day on 17th September throughout the country. The flag of the organisation will be hoisted in all the campuses of the country. SFI will be publishing three books on this occasion: one on the martyrs of our organisation and the other two on contemporary educational issues.

P K Biju elected as president of SFI central committee. V Sivadasan and A N Shamsir are elected as joint secretaties of the committee.